Shawn Lawrence

Shawn Lawrence


Growing up I cheered and then I switched my focus to lacrosse in high school. I didn't play any sports in college but kept up in the gym throughout school working on strength building. I have now turned my attention to snowboarding in the winter and hiking in the summer. I lived in Colorado for a year and I ventured out to the mountains as much as I could. I have been snowboarding and skiing since I was 5 so I thought I had my skills down. It wasn't until I applied what I learned in the gym that I not only increased my skills on the slopes but I gained more confidence. When it comes to hiking, I was also so sore and out of breath whenever I climbed the mountains. Strength training has helped my hiking game immensely. I can feel a difference in my recovery the following days and how much quicker my body bounces back due to strength and conditioning in the gym.


Certified Functional Strength Coach Level 2

Exercise Health and Science BS degree (in progress)

About Coach

I have always loved the gym but I was quite a lazy kid growing up. I can proudly say I was not a D1 player. I was never the record breaker on my team nor did I make many goals. But I did love the competition and my friendships. Competition and friendships still push me through the sports I play now. I really enjoy getting out there on the slopes with my friends and doing tricks to show off. I usually fail and fall on my butt but I get right back up and try again. It is always great to get outdoors with your friends and enjoy the fresh air.

Turning Point

I think everyone goes through the same initial thoughts when it comes to the gym or fitness, "I have no idea what I'm doing." I had the same feeling when it came to strength and conditioning. It was really hard for me to start a new passion in the fitness world when I wasn't really good at sports in school. My lack of confidence was stopping me from my future for a while. I decided to take a risk and apply for the Exercise Health and Science program at Umass Boston. Luckily, I became obsessed with my classes. I forced myself to intern/follow at every gym I worked at. I started my coaching journey at a small gym where I purely followed the coaches and cleaned the bathrooms. When I moved out to Colorado for a year, I worked at a boutique that was attached to a gym. I again just followed the coaches around trying to absorb as much knowledge as I could. In Colorado, I applied to the MBSC internship program knowing this would be the best way I could get hands-on action in the gym. I got accepted into the internship and really applied myself there. Leaving my internship I had a bit of a confidence boost knowing I could be a really good coach. As a Magnitude Strength + Power coach I am able to run my groups how I want. It is so great to be able to teach kids and adults about the strength and conditioning world and see their confidence grow in the gym.

Motivation & Passion

My purpose of coaching is to help my groups understand why they are doing a movement or exercise. I love teaching and explaining my knowledge to others while I coach. I really love working with the kids because they are so eager to learn. I love teaching the younger kids what muscles were using and testing their knowledge throughout our sessions. Working with older kids and adults is fun as well! I find they are more interested in injury prevention. It's cool to challenge myself and find an exercise that improves their lives outside of the gym.

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